Streaming movies from my Linux laptop to XBox


I have an XBox machine at home, and it’s great. I have a Linux based laptop – and it’s also great. However, during my Windows days I was able to use Windows Media Center to stream movies to my XBox – and I wanted to do that on my Linux box too.

Not too difficult.
Just read this article. Easy. However, it uses ethernet cable to connect XBox and Linux. Well, that’s no longer needed. Just replace, in the ushare.conf file the USHARE_IFACE=etho line with USHARE_IFACE=wlan0. That was enough.


Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect()

Wow. This took ages.
A customer of mine has developed a PHP application on his windows machine (yeah yeah I know). I tried installing it on my Linux laptop – and all I got was a white page.
Well, loving the challenge, I started putting in debu prints in all the PHP files. Turns out the customer uses CodeIgniter, so I started with core/CodeIgniter.php, moved to core/Loader.php, core/db/DB.php and ended up with the mysql_driver.php.
Turns out I was crashing on this line:

return @mysql_pconnect($this->hostname, $this->username, $this->password);

The error message (after removing the @ of course) was
Call to undefined function mysql_pconnect()
So lame. I forgot to run sudo apt-get install php5-mysql. 2 hours of my life wasted 😦

Tunneling with JProfiler

I had some issues running JProfiler from a remote machine. I had a JBoss running on a remote Linux server, and for some reason, XWindows just didn’t work. Turns out I had to tunnel all my JProfiler connection, and luckily – that’s easy to do.
I typed a command on my own laptop (running Linux Mint)

ssh -f root@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX -L 2000:localhost:8849 -N

And now, all I have to do is open a connection from JProfiler. I use attach to remote process, select localhost, port 2000, and that’s it – I can now profile the remote server.